To mean to do something and to actually do it are two different things.
This doesn't mean you have to cut out this delicious Japanese food together, but you do have to be careful with your choices.
I am sure she lay awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us.
Sometimes you may not enjoy all the work you have to do, but that doesn't mean you have to make yourself miserable.
What do these two faces of forgiveness mean to us in our struggle to forgive?
Related to that difficult issueof how to define or even locate "illness" is the converse and equallyimpossible dilemma: what do we mean by "health"?
But giving the name "wisdom" to the supposed quality that enables one to do that doesn't mean such a thing exists.
By "what are you going to do," I mean, what kind of life are you going to lead?
Yes, you need to design your solution but that doesn't mean that you need to do it up front when you know the least about the system.
What does it mean? What do you need to say about receiving these products and where do you need to say it?
Do you mean we have to walk to school?
I mean, quantum mechanics makes sense to no human being, in my view. In those areas, people are inclined to do sort of strange things.
This region knows what chronic diseases mean, when to sound the alarm and, most importantly, what to do, placing health promotion and prevention at the fore.
And if one "manages to do it twice", does it mean the dormice choose to cross the road only once, or does it actually mean that none of them survive a second attempt at crossing the road?
Which could mean that finding ways to enjoy exercise, rather than just forcing yourself to do it, may make you smarter - and happier, too.
Judging by the survey, supporters of the policy mean for it to apply to people earning significantly more than they do.
Do you mean to tell me you really knelt down and prayed to that picture?
You mean everything to me, and I promise I am going to do whatever I have to make sure nothing like this happens again, you, me, and the baby will be safe.
STACY DEBROFF: "The stirring of this intense debate has to do with what does it mean to be a successful parent and what does it mean to be a successful child?
史黛西*迪柏夫:“成功的父母意味着什么? 成功的子女意味着什么? 人们在这两个问题上的分歧引起了这场激烈的讨论。
I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have been told that I am rude, inaccessible or cold, yet I have never purposely tried to harm anyone, nor do I mean to be, well, mean.
Just because technology enables people to do something does not mean they will, particularly when it comes to a medium as indolence-inducing as television.
You want to know what you did to deserve this, and how anyone could possibly do such a thing before you had a chance to accomplish the things that mean so much to you.
And, sometimes, that does mean putting a year's profits aside to, to do something new.
You also want to say to Putin: Do you mean you still don’t get it?
I don't expect it to be easy, but I do expect it to be rewarding and interesting because, this time, I'm going to let the money mean something.
The new H and N surface proteins mean most people do not have antibodies to the virus, allowing it to go pandemic.
The new H and N surface proteins mean most people do not have antibodies to the virus, allowing it to go pandemic.