That said our test driver believed the bus was going to slow or stop to allow us to merge into the traffic, and that there would be sufficient space to do that.
That said, our test driver believed the bus was going to slow or stop to allow us to merge into the traffic, and that there would be sufficient space to do that.
These flow features are extensive systems—sometimes hundreds of kilometers in total length—of interconnecting, twisting channels that seem to merge into larger, wider channels.
You repeat this process for each database that you want to merge into the project.
If they are closer together than that, they tend to merge into a single block on a radar image.
My starting point was the meeting between people, when their different traces have to merge into a new trace.
Others look at the two sets of teenage boys who hope to merge into one happy household and shake their head.
In the status report example, the manager can create a new status report form and then choose several forms to merge into that form.
Flat as the world in the globalization era, Hangzhou Commercial Real Estate Market is destined to merge into the global competition platform.
New alternative market - GEM to merge into the Main Board, and a new market with an enhanced regulatory regime to be launched for growth companies.
Furthermore, those who are already lawful good are said to merge into the very essence of the plane, losing their individual selves to the glory of all.
There does seem to be a tiny bit of unused space below the bottom row of keys but this seems to be necessary to permit the slider to merge into the main body.
Within the short period of time, the company provided consulting services and helped to setup numerous corporations to merge into the Food Beverage Industry.
The protection function and decorate function to merge into an integral whole, is replace a tradition to guard against theft effectively the net change a product.
After you decide what difference you want to merge into one of the data objects in the compare editor, you can generate a delta DDL script or export the changes to an XML file.
As the growing of the society and the progress of the science, it appears more and more clearly for the world's economic to merge into an organic whole hi the international trade activities.
The government's avowed aim, however, is to maintain "a substantially homogeneous society into which newcomers, from whatever sources, will merge themselves".
This allows you to take data from two different source fields and merge them into a single target field.
For certain models, small perturbations to the extra dimensions would probably cause all the black holes and strings to ultimately merge into one giant black hole.
The class owner has the authority to compare the two editions and merge them into a single version that the owner can release into the containing package.
India stated it would consider the appropriateness of the US proposal to merge the two cases into one and would revert on this matter separately.
You can then use the Merge command line utility to merge these files into a new pureQueryXML file.
ClearCase provides a very convenient and safe way to merge these different versions of a file into a consolidated version that contains all of the changes.
Often, you have two documents in memory and you would like to merge or include a part of one document into another.
It is going to merge them together into one thing.
After it is defined, you can merge the data into a new document or send it directly to the printer.
When there is an array of fields in the input or output message, certain transforms are available to perform an action on each element of an array, or to merge several input arrays into one output.
The key task during design time is to specify the data flow from the sources to the target — that is, how to restructure and merge source models into the target model.
The key task during design time is to specify the data flow from the sources to the target — that is, how to restructure and merge source models into the target model.