The shock caused her to miscarry.
Causes some females to miscarry, not only the wound has accommodated the body.
But the latter group, it turns out, was less likely to miscarry again and more likely to have a live birth.
Having the wrong number of chromosomes can cause an embryo to miscarry, or lead to serious medical conditions such as Down's syndrome.
A study of thousands of pregnant women revealed those who included fruit and veg regularly in their diet were 46 per cent less likely to miscarry.
But within this group, those who took more than a year to conceive were twice as likely to miscarry as those who had conceived within three months.
Underweight women, however, 70% more likely to miscarry. There was also a slight increase in miscarriage in women whose partners were over the age of 45.
I constantly thought I was going to miscarry, because I was bleeding a lot. But this might have been a sign of infection, which could have affected him too.
According to a new study, thin or skinny women who get pregnant are 72% more likely to miscarry in the first three months of pregnancy than their normal weight counterparts.
In fact, about half of Yellowstone's bison have been exposed to brucellosis, a bacterial disease that came to North America with European cattle that may cause cattle to miscarry.
According to a new study, thin or skinny women who get pregnant are 72 percent more likely to miscarry in the first three months of pregnancy than their normal weight counterparts.
Women who conceived within six months of their miscarriage were 34% less likely to miscarry again, compared with those who became pregnant six months to a year after the initial miscarriage.
Many embryos that have damaged or missing chromosomes miscarry, but others go on to produce conditions such as Down's syndrome.
Some factors like smoking and age can contribute to the likelihood a woman might miscarry but doctors usually can't pinpoint a reason.
Some factors, like smoking and age, can contribute to the likelihood a woman might miscarry, but doctors usually can't pinpoint a reason.
Up to 20 percent of all pregnancies are naturally cut short by miscarriage, so some women will no doubt miscarry after being vaccinated.
A married doctor is facing jail after being found guilty of trying to spike his pregnant lover's drinks in an unsuccessful bid to make her miscarry.
When his! Plans miscarry he always looks around for somebody to shift the blame on to.
Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.
Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.