The enzyme PDE5 is known to modulate platelet activity.
A Transform operator can be used to modulate the result of the ForEach operation.
She is able to modulate and manage her emotional life in a dramatically better way.
Can be used to modulate the Z axis of an oscilloscope or be displayed on a second 'scope channel.
My hypothesis is that chemotherapy may be used to modulate and potentiate newer immunotherapy drugs.
A pressure controller is employed to modulate speed of regulating pressure fan in a PID control mode.
Purpose: to modulate optic nerve regeneration by reducing the inhibitory effects of reactive astrocytes.
It is urgent to modulate industrial structure of Shanghai simultaneous with its fast expanding of gross economy.
An envelope follower that follows the level of the audio input and can be used to modulate the synth's parameters.
FPGA is used to modulate spring pulse signal so as to improve the capability and stability of the DC timing system.
The key point to realize the technique is to modulate the detected signal and make it related to the reference signal.
Conclusion no may be not the major reason to modulate small intestinal microcirculation after hepatic inflow occlusion.
Lastly, this paper gives a method to modulate fast and accurately by using the interweaver as the basic unit of modulation.
This paper provides both vector control and frequency difference control to modulate the system of double motors transmission.
The efficiency of non-right disposition contract is a complicated problem, which requires many civil legal systems to modulate.
The South East, South West and West facades will be equipped with terracotta louvers to modulate the light in the offices and lobby.
Based upon the studies in this paper, it is possible to design a pressure sensor, or to modulate the PBG property of a PC by pressure.
They said: "This pilot study suggests that dietary intake of watercress may be sufficient to modulate this potential anti-cancer pathway."
Targeting transcription factors with small molecules to modulate the expression of certain genes has been notoriously difficult to achieve.
Using pseudo random code to modulate the signal's phase equals to frequency up-conversion of the pseudo random code by the carrier frequency.
Wood screens break up the reflections of the glass façades facing the Lake to modulate privacy, scale the façade and soften the interior light.
With the digital control, volume of compressive oil provided by hydraulic power unit in actuator can be regulated to modulate the test load value.
Now, people are trying to use various methods, including the electro-optics effect of BSO, to modulate the wavefront of light or modulate its phase.
The tints in the sky were wonderful, every conceivable shade of blue-grey, which contrived to modulate into golden brilliance in which the sun was veiled.
This may , in part , result from the inability of continuous positive airway pressure to modulate leptin and / or adiponectin levels in the latter patients.
She loved to modulate her voice after the conventional manner of the distressed heroine, and repeat such pathetic fragments as appealed most to her sympathies.
Posttranslational modifications are increasingly recognized as key strategies used by bacterial and viral pathogens to modulate host factors critical for infection.
We do think that exercise and food, caffeine, may be able to modulate in some way, so has some influence on circadian timing, but not as strongly as the light-dark cycle.
In optical communications and optical integrated circuits, electrically controlled components are needed increasingly to modulate, storage and display optical information.
In optical communications and optical integrated circuits, electrically controlled components are needed increasingly to modulate, storage and display optical information.