That corresponds to normal vector pointing up.
Let's break the name down. The "normal" is a vector perpendicular to a surface, which we can use to calculate lighting.
That one would be pointing kind of to the back slightly up maybe, so like that. And now your middle finger is going to point in the direction of the normal vector.
Well, to get our conventions straight, we should take the normal vector pointing up for compatibility with our choice.
Ok, if we look at it near here, if we walk along this way, the surface is to our, we should actually be flipping things upside down. The normal vector should be going down.
Let me show you a picture. The rule is if I walk along C with S to my left then the normal vector is pointing up for me.
And let's say I want to Orient my cylinder so that the normal vector sticks out.
And to find the height of this thing, I need to know what actually the normal component of this vector is.
OK, and that's going to be the normal vector to the surface or to the tangent plane.
And, in fact, if you try to follow your normal vector that's pointing up, it's pointing up, up, up.
There's no way to choose consistently a normal vector for the Mobius strip So, that's what we call a non-orientable surface.
That is our convention to get a unit normal vector that points to the right of the curve as we move along the curve.
When we know two vectors in a plane, it let us find the normal vector to the plane, and that is what we need to find the equation.
In fact, our vector field and our normal vector are parallel to each other.
It is this guy.If you continue to follow your normal vector, see, they are actually pointing up and into the paraboloid.
OK, the best way to it, now that we have the gradient vector, is actually to directly say oh, we know the normal vector to this plane.
But the usually traditional settings would be to take your normal vector pointing maybe out of the solid region because then you will be looking at flux that is coming out of that region of space.
Hopefully, you can see that if I take a normal vector to the sphere it is actually pointing radially out away from the origin.
Just to reiterate what I said, positively here means, because we are going counterclockwise, the normal vector points out of the region.
Another way to do it, of course, would provide actually parametric equations of these lines, get vectors along them and then take the cross-product to get the normal vector to the plane.
This is a normal vector of the same length as n, well, up to sign.
And, we know how to find a normal vector to this plane just by looking at the coefficients.
It can be a normal vector of any length you want to the surfaces.
You can remember, if it helps you, that if a surface is to your right then the normal vector will go down.
And we looked at the component of a vector field in the direction that was normal to the curve.
And, if you pay attention to the orientation conventions, you'll see that you need to take it with normal vector pointing up.
The orientation that will work for this theorem is choosing the normal vector to point outwards.
And we know how to find a normal vector to the level set, namely the gradient vector is always perpendicular to the level set.
Now, if you wanted the unit normal vector to compute flux, then you would just scale this guy down to unit length, OK?
If you imagine that you have this big cylindrical type in front of you, hopefully you can see that a normal vector is going to always be horizontal.