The second largest fish in the world, it basks with its mouth open wide to catch plankton drifting by.
The edge must slice his thumb because his hand flies to his mouth, and he's sucking hard, eyes wide open.
Unlike modern snakes, s. indicus lacked jaw joints that allowed it to open its mouth incredibly wide, so it relied on its large overall body size to prey on the fledgling dinosaurs.
有别于现代蛇类,Sanajeh indicus蛇不具备让它血口大张的颌骨关节,所以只能依靠其庞大身躯来猎食恐龙幼仔。
Buck jumped at the man, sixty kilos of anger, his mouth wide open, ready to bite the man's neck.
巴克以六十公斤的愤怒之躯扑向胖子。 它的嘴大张着,要去咬断他的喉颈。
Buck jumped at the man, sixty kilos of anger, his mouth wide open, ready to bite the man's neck.
巴克以六十公斤的愤怒之躯扑向胖子。 它的嘴大张着,要去咬断他的喉颈。