It made sense to show the statue looking ahead at what was happening in front of it, so that the living performer of the ritual could interact with the divine or deceased recipient.
Very often such statues were enclosed in rectangular shrines or wall niches whose only opening was at the front, making it natural for the statue to display frontality.
Whenever I go to the bank near my house, the cashiers are either fooling around or keeping whole queues of people waiting by chatting to the customer at the front about their holidays.
If, like me, you like to write code when you are disconnected; for example, on the train or late at night in the family room in front of the TV, they will not work.
If you put your least healthy food at the front of the cupboard or refrigerator, that's the one you are most likely to eat.
"You have to peer at the plaque closely to see whether the object in front of you is Han dynasty or 21st century," in the wistful words of one recent visitor.
Instead of a director hidden in the shadows, concerts place the conductor in the spotlight, where he shapes (or at least appears to shape) the show in front of our eyes.
And we at Shots are loathe to admit that we often scarf our lunches in front of the computer, which doesn't evoke much warmth or pleasure.
A user waves a palm in front of the TV to call up a simple menu that would let him choose between watching shows, playing games, or looking at photos.
MEALTIMES: Many meals in America are arranged around popular television shows, people like to eat in front of the TV, not always sitting at a table, they sit in a chair or on a sofa.
However, a slash or a double slash ( / or // ) at the front of a predicate in square brackets does not have a context and therefore refers to the root of the document.
但是,方括号中谓词前的单斜线或双斜线(/ 或 //)没有上下文,所以引用到文档的根。
When it’s your time to speak, walk to the lectern (or the front of the audience if you’re not using a lectern), pause briefly, and look at your audience before you say anything.
You need to know how many miles are included in the lease and if there's additional money you need to pay up front or at the close of the lease.
Perhaps you need to open up an Intranet application to the Web at large, or provide one or more flexible front ends to your data for different customers.
If you have to cross the street in front of the bus, always walk on the sidewalk or along the side of the street until you are at least five giant steps— 10 feet—ahead of the bus.
In most jobs, you will be asked to appear in front of executives or clients at certain times, and the interviewer needs to see how you handle yourself on the other side of the table, "says Lenkov."
Whether that's helping them up off the ground when they fall or giving someone in front of you at the grocery store a dollar because they're short on change, we all like to do good.
Stepping in front of the camera and taking control with gestures could make group work easier than having to take turns at a keyboard or mouse, Fritz says.
Whether at the stadium or with friends in front of the television, most Americans find something to enjoy on this unofficial national holiday.
Please don't hesitate to call the front desk if you need any extra towels or pillows, or anything at all to make your stay with us more comfortable.
In the moving time, usually in order to get the earth god to take care of the hostess will be standing in front of the building slightly or yard at azimuth worship gods.
In the tests, men and women conformed to gender stereotypes - with men more likely to take risks, drive too close to the car in front, cut corners, go through lights on amber or talk at the wheel.
Just as the picture shows vividly, in front of the computer sits a man who is absorbed in it / is chained to it whether at work, at home or in play, overlooking the outside world completely.
To greet with a smile at all times to colleagues or guests anywhere in the hotel (front or back of the house).
On the first floor, there is a bedroom at the front and a place to relax or work.
Coincidentally, both full of people staring at cars in front of the schedule, a sub-passed another subdivision can be or not to move cars.
You will find that the lamp or window still seem to be hovering in front of you, quite visible at first and only gradually fading away.
With his good strength and good lateral speed, West can often keep in front of guards attempting to drive, or at least re-route them off the play.
With his good strength and good lateral speed, West can often keep in front of guards attempting to drive, or at least re-route them off the play.