That is, generally, younger people tend to outnumber older people on the front end of a technological shift.
Lorries seem to outnumber cars on Vernon's streets.
I get a lot of legit email, as well, but not enough to outnumber the unsolicited stuff.
Giving thanks is also difficult because many of us find ourselves in situations in which the bad things seem to outnumber the good.
Holmes said equally troubling is that newly displaced persons continue to outnumber by a wide margin those who return home or are resettled.
Last month the National Academies of Science looked at whether there were any good reasons for men to outnumber women in top scientific and mathematics faculty jobs and found none.
The thin story and thinner characters are just setups for the race sequences which are punctuated by lavish parties where lithe women seem to outnumber the guys by a five-to-one ratio.
Rows of half-completed apartment buildings rise over former farmland, each crowned with yellow construction cranes that seem to outnumber trees in parts of this dusty city of 5 million residents.
A senior Chinese official has reported a saying that for the first time the country's urban population is due to outnumber those living in rural areas, and it's likely to happen within five years.
Male donors outnumber female donors almost two to one, they found, and while 58 percent of donors have finished college or graduate school, 42 percent don't have a college degree.
The jobless now outnumber the joyless-there is nothing like a drop in GDP to remind everyone how much this much-maligned metric matters.
The subsequent recession fixed that. The jobless now outnumber the joyless—there is nothing like a drop in GDP to remind everyone how much this much-maligned metric matters.
Official statistics say that newborn boys outnumber girls by 118 to 100 in spite of the fact that, according to my friends, boys cost more.
So it's not surprising that these women face criticism for choosing to stay single, especially as the countryside fills up with men who can't get married because they outnumber marriage-age women.
So heading upstream, to a sandbank where the bear prints outnumber the human prints, we fished.
To most people, this is the familiar Africa, a place of large families and high fertility, a continent in which societies are under extreme stress and where the young massively outnumber the old.
De Montfort marched to join forces with his son at Kenilworth, in Warwickshire, to form a joint army which would outnumber Edward's men.
She has gone online as a man, just to survey the terrain, and estimates that in her age range women outnumber men ten to one.
For instance, at the near-genius level (an IQ of 145), brilliant men outnumber brilliant women by 8 to one.
Add in other firms, and it starts to seem like electronic mouses (the plural in many dictionaries) will soon outnumber mammalian mice.
Among those with classic autism, which includes a developmental delay in language and a risk of learning difficulties, males outnumber females by four to one.
Demographic data indicate that China's boys will outnumber girls by even wider margins in years ahead, so the competitive pressure for parents to save will become even more intense.
This may come as a surprise to people in the Western world, where women outnumber men because-other things being equal-the mortality rate for women is lower than for men in all age groups.
This may come as a surprise to people in the Western world, where women outnumber men because-other things being equal-the mortality rate for women is lower than for men in all age groups.