The result, says one banker involved in advising firms, is that many of them are asking firms to post collateral for the money they owe on derivative contracts.
If you don't owe anyone money, you won't have to worry about late fees, interest, annual fees or over-the-limit fees.
I don't know exact amounts, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear they owe more money than they have in assets.
The Japanese owe the money to themselves whereas the Americans are in debt to foreigners.
There has been a long discussion about what people owe each other and how okay it is to try to make money.
But legal experts say that exempting derivatives from the automatic stay can make it harder to track down parties that owe money to Lehman on such contracts.
The most vulnerable currencies when financial storms break, however, belong to countries whose banks, companies and households owe large amounts of short-term debt denominated in foreign money.
They can not have much money to offer their owe house.
If you owe money to a man, he may attach part of your salary unless you pay him.
If you owe money to a man, he may attach part of your salary unless you pay him.
Do I still owe money to this bank?
I hate to mention it, but you owe me some money.
If you owe money, say, for taxes, with Saturn in such hard angle to Pluto it is unlikely you will be able to get out of paying, as the person involved will be very insistent that you do.
Conversely, if you owe your friend, then you will have to pay back the sum soon - it looks as though your friend needs the money.
"Why exactly these four men choose to wear these costumes for Christopher is unclear, but ithas been speculated that they may owe him money from gambling debts, " Mr. Stokes writes.
You owe us a lot of money. I'm here to collect it.
The wind rustling xi xiao cold, owe money xi you want to also!
Any donor doesn't need to worry because it is stated in law that you are not the guardian of this child, and you don't owe any money to this child.
We've economized as much as possible, but to little great avail, since we still owe a lot of money.
I would love to quit my job, but I owe the bank money, so I have to keep working.
American gangster logic: it owe money, who hit it! Outrageous to the extreme!
You may come to the end of your unemployment insurance, for example, or those who owe you money may inform you that they can't pay.
It's important to be able to say, 'Here's my truth, this is how much money I owe, let's make a plan together for tackling this.
It's important to be able to say, 'Here's my truth, this is how much money I owe, let's make a plan together for tackling this.