Jupiter in Taurus is bringing opportunity galore, and your only problem is likely to be to pick and choose among the best offers others present.
I'm never one to pick and choose.
He was never one to pick and choose.
But you've got to pick and choose your right times.
You really want to pick and choose what you send out.
We had to find a flat in a hurry there was no time to pick and choose.
The entrepreneur will be able to pick and choose who they want as investors.
As a servant, you don't get to pick and choose when or where you will serve.
So that's the freedom to pick and choose which technologies you want to use based on your specific need.
But as his country descends even deeper into chaos, his ability to pick and choose his mediators is shrinking fast.
Instead, we tend to pick and choose among a wide variety of information sources that support what we already believe.
IIS has never really been able to pick and choose from its features and abilities, which had two significant drawbacks.
Out of this million things, we have to pick and choose, otherwise we'll forever be drowning in work and never get anything done.
Furthermore, as your article points out, private providers will be able to pick and choose what is popular and cheap for them to provide.
What are they going to pick and choose because sometimes you want them to mention certain things, and it's best to actually ask them to.
Klinger warns: "It's easy to take the policy implication too far and start trying to pick and choose where to settle in the product space."
There may be reasons you want to pick and choose recommendations; however, be aware that the performance benefit of your hand-picked set is unknown.
And when applicants are abundant and jobs are scarce, some employers say that they should be able to pick and choose candidates who carry no legal baggage.
In this part, you give the user control, and enable him or her to map new services into the ontology and to pick and choose the data used for a custom mashup.
In this part, you give the user control, enabling him or her to map new services into the ontology and to pick and choose the data that is used for a custom mashup.
In this tutorial, you give the user control, enabling him or her to choose from services in the ontology and to pick and choose the data that is used for a custom mashup.
In this part, you give the user control, and enable him or her to map new services into the ontology and to pick and choose the data that is used for a custom mashup.
In this part, you give the user control, and enable him or her to map new services into the ontology and to pick and choose the data that is used for a custom mashup.