Joey prepares to audition to play the part of a 19-year-old.
The actress wanted to play the part of an old woman in the play.
Mary is a bit long in the tooth to play the part of a young girl.
At first, the producers of the movie told Taylor that she was too small to play the part of Velvet.
In the spring, there will be a performance of Shakespeare's "As You Like It" held outdoors. I have been chosen to play the part of Celia.
They believe, to play the part of the appearance of a smile, I will take the opportunity to put their innocent "smile" is "closed" into the picture.
Edmond stiffened himself in order to play the part of a dead man, and then the party, lighted by the man with the torch, who went first, ascended the stairs.
Unlike in the previous election in 2007, there is no experienced incumbent to play the part of Sir Michael's once-robust National Alliance and glide to victory.
A syllable must have a nucleus or peak, which is often the task of a vowel. However, sometimes it is also possible for a consonant to play the part of a nucleus.
When you're writing the actual production code, you want to play the part of a jerk developer who will only do the minimum amount of work possible to make the test pass.
The color design, whose hands for gives fully in concise fashion temperament, is to play the part of beautiful young classical wrist watch, let a person fondle admiringly, pondering is boundless.
Most of us would maintain that physical attractiveness does not play a major part in how we react to the people we meet.
Current thinking suggests that toxins only have a small part to play in the build-up of cellulite.
Even though scientists play a part in transmitting information to journalists and ultimately the public, too often the blame for ineffective communication is placed on the side of the journalists.
The notion that learning should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely silly, but that is nonetheless the case.
Dale even made other members of the family take part, using Rick's younger brother to play Batman alongside his Robin.
By designing the application in this way, you enable each part of your architecture to play to its strengths and mitigate its weaknesses.
Tomorrow the first of our intrepid tribe members arrive to play their part in the story.
The promise is now being actively fulfilled as the scene begins to change for the next part of this play.
Post-colonial regret, or guilt may play its part in a nation still coming to terms with having lost one quarter of the world.
Shortly before he passed away, my father came to see me play the part of Schroeder in a community theatre production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.
Distributed single sign-on protocols also play a part here, enabling the expensive part of account management to be concentrated at one point.
For those of you who own consoles: Did the ability for the console to remain current play a part in your decision to buy it?
In this process they killed thousands of people, destroyed an ancient civilization, occupied the country, and put stooges in place to play their part in the killing of their own people.
I was lucky to play a part because Reg Jones came into my office 21 years ago and gave me the hug of a lifetime.
I was lucky to play a part because Reg Jones came into my office 21 years ago and gave me the hug of a lifetime.