Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.
Why are young Japanese so loth to procreate?
Why are so few young Japanese willing to procreate?
She said she is not here to procreate, not for fuel.
Did you know that the domestic Turkey is unable to procreate naturally?
The right of procreation includes the right to procreate, the right n...
‘I wouldn't go rushing off to procreate on the basis that tomorrow my fertility might drop.’
The stipends also provide a substantial incentive for royals to procreate since the stipends begin at birth.
The reason for not fully colonizing a planet is that you want the colonists to procreate for as long as possible.
Evolutionary success is not just a mad dash to procreate; it also requires as many descendants to survive as possible.
What if, Belkin asks, the dynamic I found myself in was reversed, and women now saw men as "too old" to procreate with?
Infatuation is nature's biological trick to guarantee that a man and a woman are thrown together long enough to procreate.
It is, in fact, a biological trick by nature to guarantee that a man and a woman are thrown together long enough to procreate.
The right of procreation is a right conferred by law to the married people and other women to decide whether to procreate and how to procreate.
What this shall mean is that any lineage incapable of ascending in any species, including humanity, shall perish, and not continue to procreate.
"I always wanted to procreate with someone outside my gene pool because I think you get a more beautiful and genetically superior baby," she said.
Every survivor gets a chance to procreate (and it is important that procreation is never denied to a survivor, only made less likely if he is less fit).
Then measure each individual's fitness (measured as a function applied to the individual's DNA) and make the individual more likely to procreate if he is more fit.
Though young urban couples seem more rational in their family choices, the strong influence of the elder generation could help cities encouraging local residents to procreate.
The solution to the conflicts over the right to procreate should follow the principle of reaching unanimity through consultation and the principle of women's priority to give birth.
This is not entirely true, as some humans are gifted in many ways, but genetics is likely to emphasize one skill or the other as this sufficed to get the specimen to live long enough to procreate.
All organisms have a finite life-span thus the need to procreate is Paramount. Explore the fundamental aspects of reproduction including physical organ (in plants and animals) and genetic inheritance.
Imagine all the things we could do without having to shop: play and pray, create and relate, read and walk, listen and procreate.
Men are equipped to hunt and chase lunch, find their way home, fire-gaze and procreate - that's it.
Some have even taken it as a cue to get married and procreate.
Menopause syndrome is a common disease which occurs during the interim from procreate phase to agedness phase.
Much of what we are about centers on the same impulses to eat, procreate, fight or flee that motivated Fred Flintstone.
人之所以为人, 大多基于饮食、男女、斗争、避凶的冲动,在原始社群就是这样了。
It should be recognized by law when citizens adopt modern techniques to realize their procreate rights.
It should be recognized by law when citizens adopt modern techniques to realize their procreate rights.