We have to put across a big sales campaign.
Do you give him a fair opportunity to put across his views?
He was too full of emotion to put across his ideas properly.
He tried to put across his ideas, but he couldn't get anything across.
Using bullet points can help to put across this information in a succinct, easy-to-absorb way.
In the following report, an attempt has been made to put across a brief overview in regard to the same.
Such things are distracting, said Bowen, and get in the way of the message the teacher is trying to put across.
For a product launch, the purpose is to put across a good image of the product for market success, and that needs money.
In a paragraph, several related sentences work together. They work together to put across an idea, or to create an impression.
Remember each of these writers is not just telling you stuff that happened because it happened, they each are writing a book intending to put across a theological message.
Naturally, Mourinho was unimpressed with the decision, and believes the linesman's error cost Chelsea all three points, something he was trying to put across to the fourth official.
He has taken out a half-page advertisement in his local paper to put his point across.
Should the cars be programmed to avoid hitting a child running across the road, even if that will put their passengers at risk?
Pictures are used to put meaning across.
We aren't going to be able to put any ordinary bridge across this one.
Could he enlist enough volunteers to put together a Puppy Express to transport Snoopy by stages across five states?
If a message is put to a queue where all queue instances are equally ranked, the put to the queue completes successfully and the message workload is balanced evenly across all queue instances.
The findings chime with fears across the industrial world about the threat of cyber crime and the corresponding increase in efforts being put in place to fight it.
Although most cases appear to be mild, the virus has put 104 people across the us in hospital.
Roger went across to the bed and put his hand on her arm.It was cold.
They may put off maintenance on their home or car, or drive across town to save a few cents per gallon on gas.
We maintain that, put that together as a project to really chart the universe across all scales.
What are you going to do, they say, put up an electric fence? Build a Berlin Wall across a continent?
Security has been tightened across Indonesia, with 500 troops put on standby to support police in the capital, Jakarta.
EUROPE's plan to control the contagion spreading across the continent as a result of Greece's fiscal woes will be put to the people who have to pay the bill.
EUROPE's plan to control the contagion spreading across the continent as a result of Greece's fiscal woes will be put to the people who have to pay the bill.