Several companies sought to raise cash by selling their carbon certificates, causing the price of carbon to plummet.
This person and others involved say it is possible that the credibility of Mr Huang's bid may have been overstated to the media by people who were hoping to raise the club's price tag.
Is it possible for you to raise (lift) the price by 5%?
你们能否把价格提高5% ?
The company hopes to raise $10.6 billion by offering 365m shares of common stock with an initial price range of between $26 and $29 and 60m shares in preferred stock.
Riding up the elevator toward a negotiation with one of the world’s largest banks, I decided to raise our walk-away price by $1 million.
To raise rural incomes more rapidly, the top Chinese economic planning agency on Monday raised the minimum purchase price of wheat by up to 15 percent beginning next year.
If you can reduce the price by 2% and give us three months to raise money, we'd be willing to give you a 10% down payment.
A speculative monopoly of a stock or commodity created by purchasing all or most of the available supply in order to raise its price.
MeadJohnson said it is inappropriate to raise price "at this special moment" unless forced by a drastic increase in the cost of raw materials.
The higher the price set by Cartel, the greater will be the incentives for Cartel members to cheat and raise their own output.
When a tariff is imposed on an import, the direct impact on price is to raise it by the amount of the tariff. Market factors, however, can modify this effect.
When a tariff is imposed on an import, the direct impact on price is to raise it by the amount of the tariff.
On Wednesday, Nestle sa, said it planned to raise the price of some milk products by 5 to 10 percent next year.
Supplier should offer the analyses of cost about the new price. Sometimes the supplier would not to offer, and we can appraise it by ourselves to be the reference when the raise and reduce in price.
If you can reduce the price by 2 \ \ % and give us three months to raise money, we'd be willing to give you a 10 \ \ % down payment.
如果你愿意把价格降低2 \ \ %,并且给我们三个月的时间筹款,我们就愿先付10 \ \ %的订金。
Gujing Group decided to raise the price of original Chinese spirits by 5 to 20 percent from Oct 29.
Gujing Group decided to raise the price of original Chinese spirits by 5 to 20 percent from Oct 29.