In most cases, airlines apply penalties to reissue tickets, which can range from $50 to $300, depending on the carrier.
Because it's not a final rejection, Pfizer still has an opportunity to persuade the Patent Office to reissue the patent.
To avoid any misunderstanding FAO, WHO and OIE would like to reissue their joint statement originally issued on 30 April.
Beijing Jingjiang North Property Management Ltd. Co First Subcompany reserves the right whether to reissue a new card or not.
Japan's health ministry says it plans to reissue a warning of dangerous behavioral side effects linked to the anti-influenza drug Tamiflu.
Beijing Jinjiang Northern Property Management Limited Company reserves the rights on deciding whether or not to reissue or extend the discount card.
Treasury stock may be purchased for a variety of reasons, including to reissue them to officers and employees in profit sharing schemes or stock-option plans.
If you want to reissue the same statement multiple times, the odbc_exec function is an expensive approach because it prepares and executes the statement every time.
Applications that are connected to a failing member are rerouted to an active member where the application can reissue any failed transactions.
Once the database server is running on the secondary system, the application can simply reissue the connect statement and continue to process work as before.
Take the American reissue of my fourth novel "Game Control" -a wicked, nasty novel about a plot to kill two billion people overnight.
To encourage the accompanying increase in Augustana\\\'s popularity, a limited-edition reissue of the album (with extra songs and video content) was released in September 2006.
Due to recent, relatively large market fluctuations, our company decided to cancel the issue of the current bond, "Jiangsu Sumec Group said in a statement," and will reissue it at a chosen time.
As of March 30th, 2007, the column of "reissue and print" shall be added to the function list of the issuing system of import and export licenses for dual-use items and technologies.
As of March 30th, 2007, the column of "reissue and print" shall be added to the function list of the issuing system of import and export licenses for dual-use items and technologies.