President Bush had encouraged the Panamanian military to rise against General Noriega.
The king's cruelty excited the people to rise against him.
It's unclear when China will allow the yuan to rise against the dollar.
Jim was fired for inciting other workers to rise against their boss.
The Chinese currency, the yuan, should continue to rise against the dollar.
Many other emerging economies have allowed their exchange rates to rise against the dollar.
The dollar continued to rise against other currencies despite gloomy news from wall-street and the FED.
It is worrying that since mid-July China has stopped allowing the yuan to rise against the dollar; indeed, the currency has since fallen by 1%.
So David stayed his servants with these words, and suffered them not to rise against Saul. But Saul rose up out of the cave, and went on his way.
The owner of the animal park said the teasing appeared to be good-natured, but that it might simply be because Apollo 13 refused to rise against the bullying.
It is true that China seems to have abandoned its previous policy of allowing the yuan steadily to rise against the dollar: it has barely budged over the past four months.
The emergency services were working against the clock as the tide began to rise.
He called on the people to rise up against the invaders.
Against all odds, people find it in themselves to rise up, stare down the guns and grasp freedom from their oppressors. It happened in Tunisia, in Egypt, in Yemen.
Thailand could have allowed the baht to rise further, but it had already gained against all other Asian currencies last year, raising concerns about exporters' competitiveness.
China has allowed the yuan to rise by 18% against the dollar since 2005.
Quotes are words of encouragement which can make you feel rejuvenated again, it gives you the strength to rise up against any challenge and makes you more determined.
Still, over the last three weeks, the bank allowed the currency to rise about 1.5 percent against the dollar, roughly three times as much as it appreciated in the previous three months.
The January figure was revised to show a rise of 93, 500, against the 73, 800 reported a month ago.
Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing out violence.
Such policies, designed in part to protect against litigation, have contributed to the rise of the U.S. cesarean rate to nearly 32% in 2007, the most recent year for which data are available.
Brazil, after months of fighting the tide of money into the country, this week allowed its currency to rise sharply to help its own fight against inflation.
To that end, their currencies may rise further against the dollar.
Economists expect it to rise 10-15 per cent against the dollar in 2008.
He will have to make a decision soon, however, and if he does decide against a rise, a weaker rand and higher inflation are likely.
It's the key argument against Hobbes, that matter cannot give rise to thought.
It's the key argument against Hobbes, that matter cannot give rise to thought.