His Green Party has few seats in Congress but he has surged in opinion polls to draw neck-and-neck with Mr Santos and could well win in the event of a run-off.
尽管Antanas Mockus所领导的绿党在国会中几乎没有拥有席位,但在民意测验中,他的支持率却最近一路飙升,与桑托斯先生并驾齐驱;一旦进行决胜选举,他可能将大胜而归。
His Green Party has few seats in Congress but he has surged in opinion polls to draw neck-and-neck with Mr Santos and could well win in the event of a run-off.
尽管Antanas Mockus所领导的绿党在国会中几乎没有拥有席位,但在民意测验中,他的支持率却最近一路飙升,与桑托斯先生并驾齐驱;一旦进行决胜选举,他可能将大胜而归。