He also dismissed the Club of Rome's prediction that the world was about to run out of food as arrant nonsense.
Convenience stores quickly began to run out of food (oddly, people seemed to be stocking up on the least nourishing of snacks, such as crisps).
When they grow rapidly in relation to revenues, it means you are financing other parts of the food chain in your industry and that's a great way to run out of cash.
Before long, they had run out of food and were down to their last pint of water.
That said, I don't feel pessimistic that we are going to run out of resources: we are becoming more efficient at producing food faster than the rate at which population is increasing.
We have run out of food. Could you go to the supermarket and get some bread and milk?
In 2010 only one client of its three Citizens Advice Bureaus (CAB) needed an emergency food parcel. Today they give out one every two days, some to people in work who run out of cash before payday.
If I run out of dog food and buy an inferior brand until I can get the good stuff again, Munchie refuses to eat it.
If they can't manage to walk out of the forest, they will run short of food rations.
Luoyang you could not keep from run out of ammunition and food supplies, degree, save in the name of Xuchang in September, five hundred, Liu Jin to everyone in Luoyang, and the East Shuaizhong.
As for food, I yet saw not which way to supply my self, except that I had seen two or three creatures like hares run out of the wood where I shot the fowl.
Animals would die of cold and thirst, food supplies would soon run out and most of the human survivors would starve or freeze to death.
Mary was afraid that she might run out of food, so she went to a convenience store for supplies.
Zi Lu went to Fan Dan and explained, "My teacher has run out of food in the state of Chen, and I've come to borrow rice from you."
But the race is difficult, because many pigs run half the track were out of breath and ran to auditorium to ask for food.
But the race is difficult, because many pigs run half the track were out of breath and ran to auditorium to ask for food.