When academics complain about students who arrive with an incomplete grasp of their subject, universities run remedial classes to make up the deficit.
But the flip side of diverting a big chunk of the education budget to create and run sophisticated universities is that millions of Indians have been left without basic education.
Schools and universities, for example, are vital for the shift to an economy driven by brainpower instead of cheap labour, but they remain state-run, rigid and mediocre.
Therefore, the thesis puts forword a concept of elite-mass university against the background. It mainly explores why and how to run elite-mass universities.
It has very important meaning for deepening teaching reform and enhancing teaching quality to study the teaching supervisors' quality of civilian-run colleges and universities.
Those who fail to get selected have to go to private colleges if they want to continue their education. Tuition at such colleges is more expensive than at the state-run universities.
Some attempts to run Comprehensive Experiments by Organic Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis are introduced in forestry universities as the limited period subjects.
Nearly 25,000 school-leavers failed the test for admission to the University of Liberia, one of two state-run universities.
From the fact at home we can consider that it is suitable for general civilian-run colleges and universities to be located on liberal arts and science arts education or vocational education.
Hospitals, Universities and Schools use wireless clocks as the preferred method of providing synchronized clocks, without the need to run sync wire.
Hospitals, Universities and Schools use wireless clocks as the preferred method of providing synchronized clocks, without the need to run sync wire.