As you can see in the schematic below, that is a lot of room to set aside for graphics.
Rising gasoline and food prices, health bills, child-care and education costs are leaving less to set aside for retirement.
Yet the Numbers have been flattered by a steep fall in the provisions that Banks have to set aside for loans that may not be repaid, continuing a trend set in 2010 (see chart).
He urged the participants to set aside minor differences for the sake of achieving peace.
Yellowstone Park was not set aside strictly for ecological purposes; however, the title "pleasure ground" does not mean to create an amusement park.
When you have done this, try to organize your life so that the time set aside for learning coincides with the time when your memory is at its best.
If the bills become law, state boards and commissions will be required to set aside 50 percent of board seats for women.
Money was set aside to cut fees and provide guarantees for major SBA lending programs.
He set aside 1,000 dollars to pay for cutting his body and the rest of his money he left to the poor.
After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition, because there was no extra money set aside for a college education.
It amazes me how people set aside time for taxes, cooking, watching movies, reading, but when it comes to their own personal future, they NEVER set aside any time.
The key, however, is to set aside specific, deliberate times for evaluation.
Even once airborne for Chile there was still more to do, as I had set aside the flight hours for finishing my last paper.
Set aside for 5 minutes to cool.
Lenders have to set aside less capital for loans against property because of its security as collateral.
We want to watch the Bergman masterpiece, to give ourselves enough time to write the report properly, to set aside money for retirement. But our desires shift as the long run becomes the short run.
They fail to set aside enough for retirement.
We want to watch the Bergman masterpiece, to give ourselves enough time to write the report properly, to set aside money for retirement.
Companies also can come to campus whenever they want for recruiting; [some] schools set aside a single week.
Set aside 30 minutes a day to write (for example), and the practice will increase your competence.
We want to watch the Bergman masterpiece, to give ourselves enough time to write the report properly, to set aside money for retirement.
When I'm going through CARDS for my kids, I set aside some as keepsakes for later and some to use now for decorations and activities.
He even signalled a willingness to set aside his desire for a cap on America's emissions of greenhouse gases and to amend some elements of his health-care reforms.
Each week, he's expected to set aside two dollars for saving and one dollar for giving.
Shaw finds department heads much more willing to spend one hour in a group interview of 12 candidates than to set aside 12 hours for one-on-one conversations.
Set the ide aside for the moment to install the debugger.
Stir in the salt and vanilla, and set aside to cool for a few minutes.
Stir in the salt and vanilla, and set aside to cool for a few minutes.