And we need to take appropriate steps on the pr, legal, and other levels to counter that sort of thing.
In international Law, human rights protection have become an international legal obligation, so every state has the responsibility to take appropriate steps respect and protect human rights.
Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children—disabled or not—to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education.
Each application can then take the appropriate steps to prepare for disconnection.
The G8 ministers urged the international community to take "appropriate and strong steps" to show its resolve over the nuclear program, which Tehran insists is purely peaceful.
G 8外长敦促国际社会对伊朗的核问题采取“适当并且强硬的措施”,尽管伊朗声称开展核项目纯粹是出于维护和平的原因,国际社会仍然要坚决制止。
However, you can take steps — such as implementing a version-control system for artifacts and granting appropriate access rights — to help reduce conflicting situations.
User applications must take steps to move their connections to the appropriate servers during the upgrade process to avoid client connection downtime.
Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children-disabled or not-to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education.
What you can do is re-evaluate your life now and take the necessary steps to make the appropriate changes.
Look at ways you can improve your performance and take appropriate steps to correct mistakes yourself.
Having revealed a particular bottleneck or pressure point, you can then take appropriate steps to alleviate the problem-perhaps by tuning a query, adding an index or simply killing a blocking session.
If you are faced with foreclosure, you can work to save your home-or at least limit the financial damage caused by foreclosure-if you understand your options and take the appropriate steps.
I will take appropriate steps to effect formal service in a manner authorized by the F. R. Civ.
Take steps to correct these hazards—secure or relocate heavy items as appropriate.
Take steps to correct these hazards—secure or relocate heavy items as appropriate.