Enters the temple visit current affairs to take off shoes essential.
When you're traveling in Asia, if someone invites you to his or her home, don' t forget to take off your shoes when you arrive.
To find your perfect heel height, take off your shoes, sit on a chair and extend one leg straight in front of you.
Don't cuss, chew gum, burp, take off your shoes, forget to shower or do anything else that's not appropriate in a business setting.
An imam calls the crowd together, asks them to take off their shoes and arranges them in two lines, women behind men, facing east.
Your wife won't want you to have these things because they take the focus off her and she feels it's her money that she could be better spending on clothes and shoes.
What if there was a simple and quick way to avoid all the hassle of having to take off all metal objects, coats, belts and shoes in order for them to be scanned in the X-ray machine?
You have to take off your shoes before entering the studio.
You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.
They say that we go through at the checkpoints we have to take off you know our jackets, our shoes, our jean buckle and all of that putting a little liquids in bags is making us safer.
You're meant to take your shoes off when you enter a Hindu temple.
Your wife won't want you to have these things because they take the focus off her and she feels it's her money that she could be better spending on clothes and shoes.
Before entering a house in some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your shoes.
It's still polite to ask if you should take off your shoes before entering a house.
Traditionally, people used to take off their shoes and crush the grapes with their bare feet to bring out the juice.
按照传统作法,人们通常会脱下鞋子,光着脚丫踩踏葡萄,挤出汁水。 收藏。
And then you realize that you've put on your most expensive pair of shoes this mooring, and if you stop to take them off, it might be too late and the child might drown.
I think you're meant to take off your shoes when you enter a Hindu temple.
Take off his shoes, socks, except for her smile once again, then went to the chest took his bath towel, into the bathroom, close the door, inside settle the bathroom door lock "s voice."
And those are real golf shoes. They're actually really comfortable-it's not like ice skates where you're relieved to take them off.
I usually take them half off to the shoes, but I have to pay much attention to prevent my trousers being stained or slipping to the ground. Isn't it troublesome?!
Therefore, bring shoes that are easy to take on and off.
Approaching a water fountain, the thirsty girl mistakes its "Whites only" sign to mean that she should take off her shoes so that only her white socks will touch the step stool.
Approaching a water fountain, the thirsty girl mistakes its "Whites only" sign to mean that she should take off her shoes so that only her white socks will touch the step stool.