Machines such as these take researchers into the field of socialised robotics: how to make robots act in a way that does not scare or offend individuals.
In the medical field, to take an obvious example, the pandemic meant that there were still clear shortages of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel.
I stepped into this lonely field to take a few grapes and-- Are the grapes yours?
Or, when you have to take the kids to soccer or swimming, take their workout time to run the soccer field or around the school track instead of sitting on the sidelines.
If there are meetings and conferences available in your field, try to take the time to attend them on occasion.
They urged expanding expertise in the field of health technologies, in particular medical devices, and requested WHO to take specific actions to support Member States.
When I was introduced on the field, the announcer joked that he hoped I didn’t take as long to make the calls as I did to finish the speech in Atlanta.
But ma said that, in the field, the manure will take longer to work because of differences in oxygen supply and fluctuating temperatures.
The situation is rooted in the medical field, where the robot's duties involve reminding patients to take their medicine.
Ecologists in the field take pictures of the animals using an everyday digital camera. That image is uploaded to a Stripespotter database.
Mission Module flexibility allows users to take only the capabilities they need into the field, while optimizing the size, weight and power capabilities to fit varying requirements.
Other decorating features include the ability to generate combo boxes instead of text boxes when there is a series of predefined values a given field can take.
If existing XML tools or technologies are similar to the non-XML data processing logic to be developed, you might take an opportunity to XMLize and bridge the non-XML data into the XML field.
In fact, Summer lends the perfect time to take your kids on a field trip to a local farm.
We should support the leading role of the IAEA in the field of nuclear security, and take full advantage of the platform provided by the IAEA to support national nuclear security efforts.
Summer is a fabulous time for taking a birding field trip, and the best birders know how to take advantage of summer birding and beat the heat at the same time without endangering the birds.
But it is the idea of using biochar to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere on a semi-permanent basis that has caused people outside the field of agriculture to take notice of the stuff.
Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
Note that when adding a new product or updating an existing one we take in the new or modified product's field values as a list of scalars as opposed to accepting a ProductsRow instance.
'it doesn't take a rocket scientist from MIT to tell you if we can do it for a soldier in the field, we can do it for anybody.'
And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment.
Take that line and use awk to print the second field, which is the total memory in the node.
When autumn arrived, Tiny had her outfit quite ready; and the field-mouse said to her, "in four weeks the wedding must take place."
Then the intent is to take the square root; however, this works only if the display type of the field is Number as shown in figure 8.
And, according to the New Oxford American Dictionary, "Unfriend" beat out a tech-heavy field to take the honor of the word of the year.
此外,根据新牛津美国词典,它是单词的一年。 「Unfriend」击败了以科技为主的字词,荣登年度风云字汇榜首。
The Fix: Feldberg says candidates should take the time to pull up several different job advertisements for vacant positions in his or her field.
The actual field being mapped is an instance of Author, and you want to take the identifying part of that object—the id—and map it to a column called author_id.
映射的实际字段是Author实例,需要找到该对象的标识符部分 —id —并将其映射到列 author_id。
The actual field being mapped is an instance of Author, and you want to take the identifying part of that object—the id—and map it to a column called author_id.
映射的实际字段是Author实例,需要找到该对象的标识符部分 —id —并将其映射到列 author_id。