To the extent that he leans more on the first element and less on the second, the immediate damage to America's economy will be limited.
If he loses interest in the world to the extent that he is quite willing to let it go hang, for all he CARES, where is the evidence of spiritual unselfishness in this?
And, as we have seen, Paul's vision of Christ was opposed to rules and restrictions around food, to the extent that he found himself in conflict with James and Peter on the subject.
These are reasonably cheap, often generic, pharmaceuticals that, although they do not cure someone, do lower the level of the virus in his body to the extent that he suffers no symptoms.
Kostya had seen this incarnation of the show at least thirty times and had memorized its rhythms to the extent that he could hear the words and visualize the steps before they were executed.
To that extent, at least, he had prepared the ground for Libya.
He still worried sometimes that she failed to grasp the extent of the world's change since then.
"We do not know at the moment which city or which village actually will be rebuilt and who's going to pay for that and to what extent it will be rebuilt," he says.
"Whoever the coward is that committed this disgraceful act on our city will be found and prosecuted to the full extent of the law," he said.
Speaking to The Economist in St Paul, Minnesota, he recently explained that the earth might be warming, but that it is unclear “to what extent that is the result of natural causes.
I had passed him countless times; he sadly had almost become a fixture in the background to the extent that I considered him nothing more than part of the scenery.
He had expected that not being fluent in English might hurt children's social and emotional well-being, but not to the extent that their study found.
He wrote in his letter today that policy-makers "stand ready to expand or to reduce the extent of monetary stimulus" as needed, prompting Mr Osborne to reply that he welcomes the bank's "flexibility."
To that extent, he and Vivian are well matched, and so begins their destination-free Odyssey around L.A. Being carless for most of the time, they take the subway.
To a great extent, an individual's role determines what tasks he will need to perform with XML data that is in the database.
But I will be very understanding if he cannot do this to the extent that I have, because I know how many years it took me to get to this point.
That was the problem that Jacob had, insisted he be able to control his life to such an extent that he even wanted to change the order of his birth.
He told new volunteers on the South Lawn of the White House that America's reputation in the countries they were going to would depend to a large extent on them.
He supposed that this is partly related to Danish public's current global view. To some extent, I think the media are responsible for that.
He said that he would not use force, except to the extent necessary to collect the duties and imposts.
Bill Poole was until earlier this year a Federal Reserve governor. "the Fed is sending a message that it will print money to an unlimited extent until it starts to see the economy expanding," he said.
Michael Owen lasted almost an hour and in three weeks' time the Newcastle forward's sharpness may have returned to an extent where he will take at least one of the two good chances that fell his way.
When Jackson sang Heal the World, to some extent, he did inspire such a feeling that healed his own wrongdoings and ours, even though it lasted for only several minutes.
This statement delighted Mike to such an extent that he gave Jimmy a seltzer-and-milk on the spot. Jimmy never touched "hard" drinks.
Rooney's relationship with Ferguson has broken down to such an extent that the 24-year-old has informed Manchester United he has no plans to sign another contract.
Rooney's relationship with Ferguson has broken down to such an extent that the 24-year-old has informed Manchester United he has no plans to sign another contract.