Did you hear that the convenience store next to the gas station was held up last night?
To be sure, the battery still has a long way to go before the nightly recharge completely replaces the weekly trip to the gas station.
Before going to the gas station to have his tank filled, John had his emergency brake checked and fixed at the service station near the local cinema.
The movie theatre is right next door to the gas station.
Everybody, hurry up! We should go to the gas station first.
Dad: Everybody, hurry up! We should go to the gas station first.
Our car is running out of the gas, so we need to go to the gas station soon.
How about running over to the gas station there and get yourself a bottle of Coke?
Once you know the location of their colony, go to the gas station and fill up a can of gas.
When I arrived in Youngjongdo, I went to the gas station and showed them the printed picture.
She takes the shoe, covers herself between the legs, and runs to the gas station down the road.
The realities are that, you know, as a black man, Barack can get shot going to the gas station.
We said that listed as our gas station, do not go to the gas station, stopped not to go, still have to go, continue to go.
On the way to the gas stATion, Todd asked me to explain why in the world we were going to get my mom gas so lATe AT night.
Bob and Doug decided to go a different direction for help, a back to the gas station, then see if we can find a way out in front.
According to the gas station environment, a conventional cooling pond is changed to a park landscape pond by reforming the circulating cooling process piping.
Have you ever wondered why when you go to the gas station to fill up the family car, the price of gas at the pump has just jumped 25 cents a gallon over the past three days?
The composition and combustion value of this bio-diesel has no difference with the diesel bought at the gas station and it can meet the diesel standards to send to the gas station directly.
One day, Monet stopped at the gas station to refuel.
Finally we got to the end point, mile 22, and stopped at a gas station for rations.
Perhaps it would be better if gas station attendants filled the tank for us, as they used to, so we did not stand at the pump watching the rising price of our gasoline.
"You ask" said the driver, pointing to the elderly gas station attendants inside the building.
You can also find the estimated time to get to that gas station, which is important if you’re running on fumes.
And so it went for an hour until we finally had enough pressure in the tire to drive to a gas station.
When you’re just about to run on empty, pull over to the nearest gas station to load up. You’ll be amazed at how much money you’ll save at the end of the month or the year.
When you’re just about to run on empty, pull over to the nearest gas station to load up. You’ll be amazed at how much money you’ll save at the end of the month or the year.