For the Saharan silver ant, crawling from their underground nests into the sun's brutal rays to hunt for food, this is the perfect time to seek lunch.
For example you might remember to take your medication at the same time by always doing it after lunch.
From the beginning, you should have a solid business plan in place. Some people spend more time planning what to eat for lunch than they do planning their business.
Pelicans try to catch fish with their beaks during lunch time at the Hellabrunn zoo in Munich, Germany.
Worse yet, when researchers asked the participants to remember what they had eaten for lunch, those who had been playing solitaire had a much harder time remembering what they had consumed.
Usually, working out a half an hour before lunch is the best idea, because by the time your meal arrives your body is ready to swiftly metabolize.
I had to get up in the morning and eat a very consistent and healthy breakfast to last me the whole day because I had no time for lunch.
Now’s the time for villagers to pick up fresh meat and vegetables to cook for lunch and dinner.
When I travel, I try to find time for a cup of coffee or lunch with people I've only met via email or the phone。
Through routine, we condition our bodies to expect breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time each day, says Randy Seeley, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati.
At other companies, employees go to the gardens on their own time — lunch hours, before or after work.
The trail is also well marked out and in good condition; it only takes 90 minutes to hike but you may want to allow more time for lunch and lingering.
"The best time to be out is lunch time, when the chengguan are on break," said Meng Xiandong, 54, a vendor of dried sweet potatoes, as he nervously scanned the crowds.
Longer lunch periods may also allow children the time to eat a balanced meal instead of starting with dessert.
Each time we deny ourselves something-whether going to the bathroom or choosing a salad for lunch, rather than the sausage sandwich we really wanted-we use up some of our reserves.
每一次我们禁止自己的某些行为——不论是憋着不去上厕所,还是午餐时本想吃火腿三明治却只点一份蔬菜沙拉- - - - - -都会耗尽我们的克制能力。
Q. What about your gym membership, which is pricey but enables you to work out at lunch or in the early morning, often the only free time you have?
Most of the time, the kids rush to put their hats back on for recess and lunch.
I report directly to the CEO, but he gives little, if any, praise for my work, doesn't seem interested in going to lunch, and spends as little time as possible talking about work or anything else.
Few allow their employees to drink at lunch time, let alone earlier in the day.
A: I need to change the time we meet for lunch.
The two of them walked to a nearby café, and for the first time since my father had come to Sudan someone brought him a cup of tea and lunch.
"If a person ends up picking up a vegetable with their lunch time after time, the idea is that just the action of that is going to build an effective habit," he said.
For the first time my friend Leo, a rising young star in New York financial circles, got invited to attend a power lunch today.
Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the tendency to miss lunch.
Do the washing up straight after dinner, get the children to tidy their toys before bed, tidy up time comes before lunch every day.
Some recruiters take people out to lunch to see how they manage talking and having a meal at the same time.
Next time you're looking for a relatively bacteria-free place to store your lunch, consider that the bathrooms in your office are probably cleaner than the fridge.
For company he hiked across the river to Windsor, Vt., and passed the time with teen-agers in a juke joint called Nap's Lunch.
Like so many people in other cultures, many Americans are taking time to relax and enjoy the finer tastes at dinner, even if they still rush through lunch at a hamburger stand.
Next time I'll tell you more about the coming weeks but I think you'll lunch is anyone who has a card for me to sign?