Filled with remorse, he carried Beddgelert to the oak tree in the garden and buried him.
The leaves of an oak tree taste foul because they are rich in tannins, a chemical that renders them distasteful or indigestible to many organisms.
The Assassins chase Pinocchio, catch him, and hang him to the branch of a giant oak tree.
The evaporation from a large oak or beech tree is from ten to twenty-five gallons in twenty-four hours.
So the Nightingale sang to the Oak-tree, and her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar.
An acorn knows it's supposed to turn into an oak tree, but there's no specific plan for the oak tree it will become.
The tallest oak tree can grow to a maximum of forty meters.
Nearby a chain saw paused as Cary Watkins, 40, owner of Cary's Tree Service, took the time to count 135 rings on a large oak.
Since the shed roof sloped from 7 feet down to 5 feet, I kept bumping the 6-foot 3-inch high crown of my head on the oak rafters. Recoiling in pain, I’d scrape my back or arms on the scaly tree bark.
So the Nightingale sang to the Oak -tree, and her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar.
Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree style, such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, or apple.
Green spider left the mulberry trees, ran to a nearby oak tree woven net.
David and I used to hide behind the oak tree and throw acorns against the tin to rattle the guys who worked there.
On one of our last car trips, near the end of my father's life as a man, we stopped by a river, and we took a walk to its Banks, where we sat in the shade of an old oak tree.
I know how Lars Porsena of Clusium has a fondness for collecting things of bright colors, like unto my fondness for collecting rocks, so I ran to his hiding place in the old oak tree.
和我喜欢收集石头一样,我知道克鲁西城国王波森那是多么喜爱搜集闪光的物体。 我跑到他藏东西的老橡树上,找到了妈妈的顶针。
There are two ways to get to the top of an oak tree. One way is to sit on an acom and wait; the other way is to climb it.
Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree, such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, or redbud.
Ordinarily he could see to the red road and the oak tree and the low brick wall.
Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree style, such as maple, oak, elm, ash, or pear.
When it was over, I was surprised to see this macho Guy, the size of an oak tree, just standing there holding Tiny, with tears running down his beard.
Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree, such as maple, oak, elm, or walnut.
She went to the big oak tree and she was looking for something.
Gurdjieff asked Fritz Peters to tell him how many acorns he saw in the oak tree outside the window.
So the Nightingale sang to the Oak-tree, and her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar.
He would hold Sabrina's hand; together they'd agree to stay beside each other-close to the big oak tree.
The oak tree went to a happy world, dreaming.
The oak tree went to a happy world, dreaming.