Kids used to vandalize the toilets; now they preferred to play.
We are taught that it is actually a crime to vandalize buildings, cars, and other inanimate objects.
I moved to the second one, still no lock in there. Are customers here like to vandalize public properties too?
The differential test to simulate the practical current during the generator and transformer fail to work, and more over to vandalize the correctness of the p...
That night, mutually miffed at the encomia being delivered in memory of james-who was as unlovable an employer as he was a father-the two young men set out to vandalize a statue erected in his honor.
Visiting groups or individuals are to obey the school rules and regulations; do not smoke, drink, drive, or vandalize on campus during your stay on campus.
Visiting groups or individuals are to obey the school rules and regulations; do not smoke, drink, drive, or vandalize on campus during your stay on campus.