The first kill goes to me! Anyone care to wager ?
Do you want to wager your throne upon a woman's whim?
She was willing to wager that he didn't own the apartment he lived in.
Limit - the maximum amount a bookmaker will permit a bettor to wager on certain odds.
I'm willing to wager that Kathryn's mother thought she had merely asked a question about a tomato.
Let's assume we get 225 million Americans up tomorrow morning and we ask them all to wager a dollar.
Some hedge funds are starting to wager on painful times ahead for Japan, the world's second-largest economy.
He goes back and gambles again, but he has nothing left to wager except his wife, so he puts her and gambles her.
Firms use these instruments both as insurance -- to hedge their exposures to risk -- and to wager on the health of other companies.
It also offers a chance to wager on the capital having a white Christmas (at ten-to-one against) or who will win the next election (the Tories, if you believe the odds).
If you're willing to wager a small sum of money, it might pay off very handsomely - or maybe not if the issuers of the CDS products are right and the worst doesn't happen.
"Parents are surrendering their last resources to wager them on a child's future by sending them abroad, " said Lao Kaisheng, an education policy researcher at Capital Normal University.
Well, Paul, if you are so confident in this forecast, would you like to place a wager on it and take advantage of my wickedness?
Many in the industry wager the firm will not be able to raise another fund.
许多业内人士打赌,Terra Firma募集不到资金。
There were many ways to lose this wager.
We will wager that when most of you think of growth, you tend to focus on two options: organic growth or acquisition-driven growth.
If you've answered yes to any of these questions then I'd wager a guess that the relationship you are examining isn't that meaningful as it stands right now, there are too many conditions.
And the ominous “large” is simply frightening. I would wager the heat release from the first bite of one might well generate enough energy to power a small village for a night.
The ability to obtain healthcare is an important goal for middle class wager earners and their families.
To bet or wager money on games of chance, races, etc.
I would wager it was probably about 200 years ago, and that is what is going to happen in the future.
If there's a line in Vegas on the odds of life on another planet, now might be a good time to place a wager.
If there's a line in Vegas on the odds of life on another planet, now might be a good time to place a wager.