When going upstairs or downstairs, we need to walk on the right, leaving the left space for the people who hurry up.
Superstitions around the aye-aye may have developed because it is apparently unafraid of humans. It will even walk right up to human passersby to take a closer look.
If you turn 90 degrees to the right and walk two steps, you end up in a different position than if you first walked two steps and then turned.
I had to do what was right, turn myself in, own up to my wrong doings and walk out my repentance.
If its credit rating drops sharply, the banks have the right to revoke the loan—and Wyeth could walk off with a $4.5 billion break-up fee.
Go up this street until you get to the main street. Then turn right and walk about four blocks or so.
Especially when they can walk right up to us.
Walk to the hotel entrance and pick up COPPER WIRE located to the right of the archway pillar.
The Galapagos LIzards are so unafraid of humanity that you can walk right up to them, and the Marine iguanas are also quite tame.
Ignoring social pressure - you walk right up to her, ignore everybody else extremely confident and brash.
Turn toward the problems you see. Engage with them. Walk right up to them, look them in the eye.
Yet the ex-Southampton ace will have every right to feel aggrieved if Cole does walk straight into Jose Mourinho's starting line-up.
Yet the ex-Southampton ace will have every right to feel aggrieved if Cole does walk straight into Jose Mourinho's starting line-up.