Try this: Put a blindfold on someone, take them to a park or a beach or a meadow and ask them to walk for as long as they can in a straight line. Then watch what happens.
Can you tell me how to get to the railway station? Walk over the footbridge, then go straight on.
He pulled Einstein to walk toward a building site and straight set foot on the cement ground that the construction workers had just paved.
You enter the park by the main gate, you walk straight on. You come to a stream.
Go straight until you get to... Turn left and walk on. You will see it on your left. You won't miss it.
So if you want to walk the straight and narrow, especially after dark, don't count on your conscience to guide you. Get a compass.
So if you want to walk the straight and narrow, especially after dark, don't count on your conscience to guide you. Get a compass.