In 18th-century England, Mary Toft convinced doctors she had given birth to 16 rabbits.
Reyfman and Toft. Credit Derivatives - A Risk Management Tool for Non-Bank Corporations. (2001).
What happened, Arreguín-Toft wondered, when the underdogs likewise acknowledged their weakness and chose an unconventional strategy?
The first simulator will be a fixed-based MH-60R TOFT delivered to Naval Station (NS) Mayport near Jacksonville, Florida in mid-2013.
An MH-60R TOFT includes both an MH-60R operational flight trainer for training pilots and an MH-60R weapons tactics trainer for training sensor operators and airborne tactics officers.
MH - 60r战术飞行训练器由一个飞行操作训练器和一个武器装备训练器组成,可进行传感器操作和战术指挥训练。
An MH-60R TOFT includes both an MH-60R operational flight trainer for training pilots and an MH-60R weapons tactics trainer for training sensor operators and airborne tactics officers.
MH - 60r战术飞行训练器由一个飞行操作训练器和一个武器装备训练器组成,可进行传感器操作和战术指挥训练。