Only flush the toilet when necessary: this means to not use the toilet as a garbage to avoid wasting water.
Could you bring me the toilet paper and water?
After a quick drink of water and a short stop in the toilet, he'd be on his way to meet Jim.
Our body loses water whenever we exercise or go to the toilet.
You need to wash your hands with soap and water before you eat, after you use the toilet, and after you touch animals, because your hands may carry viruses.
There is no water in the toilet and the sink is going to fall in a minute.
There was a platform inside where you could eat your lunch but you were a long way from your nearest toilet or water supply.
A teenager braves the flies and stench of a leaking outdoor toilet to draw water from a standpipe.
A low-flow showerhead and low-flush toilet save water.
People are restrained with metal shackles, confined in caged beds, deprived of clothing, decent bedding, clean water or proper toilet facilities and are subject to abuse.
M. Sohail, from Loughborough University in the UK, is making a toilet that will "recover water and salt from feces and urine."
One resident complained to the press that he could not use the toilet without power for water pumps.
When they confirmed everything they were talking me to like we were friends and asked if I wanted water or the toilet.
Minimize the amount of water your toilet uses with each flush by putting a plastic bottle (a large pop bottle will do fine) filled with sand or gravel in the toilet tank.
It was tap water from a Birmingham public toilet.
Use water-saving faucets, showerheads and toilet tanks.
Install a gray-water system that collects soapy water and diverts it to the toilet.
CARE will be delivering relief items (such as toilet paper, water, and food) to victims in the areas hardest hit by the earthquake and tsunami.
If you look at our water use, most of the water is going down the toilet or shower.
The bottle will replace some of the water that your toilet USES each time it flushes.
Feces fall into a drum beneath the toilet. Instead of flushing with water, you use a dry substance.
The problem is that a toilet flushing draws cold water away from the shower, making for a quick and unpleasant temperature change.
The security guards, who did not check to see if he needed a toilet break, food or water, had breached their duty of care.
I could hear little noises, water running, toilet flushing.
T-Bag watches the water trickle from toilet pipe.
T - Bag注视着马桶管道流下的水滴。
If the thought of public toilet water splashing your backside keeps you up at nights, fear not - the simple solution is to create a mini landing pad in the form of a layer of toilet paper.
After photos of a "Starbucks Only" water spout in a bathroom emerged on the web, many customers questioned whether Starbucks is using "toilet water" to brew its coffee.
After photos of a "Starbucks Only" water spout in a bathroom emerged on the web, many customers questioned whether Starbucks is using "toilet water" to brew its coffee.