"It's no longer the case that the common man in England is embarrassed to show he knows about food," Tomes says.
Those are not the most encouraging words to hear just before eating lunch at Hong Kong's smartest British restaurant, but head chef Neil Tomes has more to say.
Again, though, the most popular tomes are the most likely to survive.
Ever wanted a digital cookbook to replace all the tomes in your kitchen?
This is one of those heavy tomes that its publisher, Osborne, is fond of (720 pages).
The bookshops in the mega churches are full of tomes on management as well as spiritual uplift.
Most undertake not just to lower bills, but to dispense with whole tomes of the 3.4m-word code.
Well, Nannette, judging by those great tomes you are struggling with, we have something in common.
Bookstore shelves are packed with tomes on how to run a marathon, and training groups have proliferated.
The gluier glial tissue is where the largest prestige percentage and bring tomes of brain tumors beg in.
After regulation, turn the burner off and on again several tomes to check that ignition occurs correctly.
A search for the keyword 'RFID' alone turns up tomes' worth of patents, conferences, products and articles.
He demanded his tuppence back from the Dawes Tomes Mousley Grubbs Fidelity Fiduciary Bank, and started a run.
The two tomes were due back a month later but were never returned and have been accruing late fees ever since.
Great riches litter the lower halls, not only gems and magic items but art and literature and scholarly tomes.
Anyone who has slalomed through the avalanche of specialist tomes on the crisis will recognise many of his sources.
You may read scores of erudite tomes on psychology without coming across a statement more significant for you and for me.
Hastings is comfortable creating his own rules for how to run a business; you don't see any management tomes in his office.
He went on about there still being much of value deep within the cathedral in the form of tomes of ancient origin and wisdom.
The youngsters are even more horrified when presented with tomes of instructions through which they must plough before getting down to work.
Books on the great man pour from the printing presses, ranging in quality from ponderous academic tomes to Hugh Brogan's delightful biography.
This was the spring of 1997, one year after Meeker had garnered fame by publishing the first of her analytical tomes on the future of the Internet.
And when New Testament experts publish their theories, they tend to turn out highly technical tomes that only fellow specialists could, or would want to, read.
Armed with moveable type presses, Scottish plagiarists "looted" British booksellers by selling bootlegged tomes at prices 30-50 percent below the price of an original.
利用活字印刷,苏格兰剽窃者大肆“掠夺”英国书商,以低于原来价格30 - 50%的价格大量出售盗版。
Seek out the tomes of Dickens, Austen, and Hawthorne. Deliberately find books that are hard to read such as William Faulkner's the Sound and the Fury and James Joyce's Ulysses.
Table 4 lists DB2 certification books and other worthy tomes. IBM Database Magazine also maintains a nice list, and IBM's certification website offers a similar certification book list.
表4列出了DB 2认证书籍以及其他一些有价值的书籍(IBM数据库杂志也提供了一个列表,并且IBM认证网站也提供了类似的认证书籍列表)。
There is a final volume, Selected Letters, brought out by the priceless Richard Ellmann in which he publishes a certain number of them which had been considered as unpublishable in the first tomes.
There is a final volume, Selected Letters, brought out by the priceless Richard Ellmann in which he publishes a certain number of them which had been considered as unpublishable in the first tomes.