However, if the quality of the actual code is too bad, it may not be worth the effort of complete reengineering.
I can work hard, but working too much means that what I create is strained - it's lower quality, less interesting, and ultimately bad work.
There is water too dirty or water quality change bad, need to replace clean water.
In our lives can often hear people complain about: too bad the surrounding environment, air pollution is serious, poor water quality, dust all over the sky, garbage everywhere.
Second, you may buy fake goods, quality can not be guaranteed, buy stuff probably will not be long on the bad, return too much trouble to repair.
If you're like most people, you spend more time listening to music in your car than any other place. Too bad most car stereos have weak sound quality, especially in the bass department.
In computer network, when the twisted pair line is excessively long, the quality to be too low or the wiring craft is bad, the network is often unable to connect.
In computer network, when the twisted pair line is excessively long, the quality to be too low or the wiring craft is bad, the network is often unable to connect.