Too lost in something you love is better than to win in something you hate.
Whether you get lost in cyberspace, over shop, watch too much TV, gossip, bite your nails, daydream excessively, procrastinate or over-exercise, you may be caught in a "soft addiction".
If you hadn't lost yesterday in doubles and you continued to have to play doubles and singles throughout the tournament, you think it would have been too much tennis?
Where the environment is pure, not too many tourists and noisy, you may be made lost in the midst of the landscapes.
You may be lost in the rush of love and a little too eager to make a commitment.
You might try to add the new work plus keep your original plan too, just so you can have some say in the matter and not feel like your day was lost. The task list keeps getting longer.
You might try to add the new work plus keep your original plan too, just so you can have some say in the matter and not feel like your day was lost. The task list keeps getting longer.