A mind map is basically a tool that connects information around a central subject.
Something dramatic happened to Australia's dominant land creatures—somewhere around 46,000 years ago, strikingly soon after the invasion of a tool-wielding, highly intelligent predator.
The Internet is a great tool, of course, but so are the people around you, people who have done what you want, books, magazines, and educational institutions.
What Apple has managed to do is to package their products around the user's needs, not around all the features of the tool itself.
Sort-of social Web browsing tool that follows you around the Web.
It doesn't matter which kind of so-called super tool you go for; just having one of these around, even if it's of the most basic variety, can help out in many situations.
The tool modeled software projects using "sandboxes" and "trees" so that avatars can gather around to see and discuss code in a 3d environment.
This tool, shown in Figure 2, has been around for a while and works much like Microsoft System Sweeper: you download an ISO file from the Kaspersky site and build bootable media —either CD or USB.
如图2所示,这个工具发布有一段时间了。 它的使用方法很像微软的“系统清理器”:从卡巴斯基的网站下载一个ISO文件,然后打造一个可启动的介质——光盘或U盘都行。
Now, 190 years after its invention, the go-to diagnostic tool hanging around every doc's neck has earned a modern makeover.
That first tool was based around work done in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina that hit New Orleans.
The program includes a mandatory confidential online assessment tool so soldiers can gauge their emotional status around issues such as relationships, job satisfaction and life in general.
Even beyond that, word of mouth is an excellent referral tool - by just asking around and extending to 2nd degree, or 3rd degree contacts, you might find yourself a list of like-minded new friends.
As these examples illustrate, the Google Base Data API is a powerful and flexible tool for developers ready to build creative new applications around content aggregation and search.
One new software tool I will introduce this time around is the TCP tunneling GUI, which allows you to see the TCP messages move between the client and server.
To work around these errors, you can run the EJBDeploy tool with the -cp argument and specify the classpath.
要处理这些这些错误,您可以用 -cp参数运行EJBDeploy工具并指定类路径。
They want to create a realtime communication tool centered around location. But if people around you aren't always on Yobongo, what do you do?
You'll learn a lot by opening up your tool of choice and just clicking around while on one of your favourite websites. Here are a couple of resources that will get you up to speed.
Many IBMers from around the world provided valuable feedback to the tool and without their feedback, the tool in this shape would not have been possible.
Genetics as a science has been around for over 150 years and has been a powerful tool for both medicine and history.
And as a planning tool, it can help guide a business around problems.
But by becoming aware of that jumping around in your thoughts, you have found the tool for gently bringing yourself back to your present task.
Nevertheless, I learned to always stow my tools in my tool belt and to loop the extension cord around a limb.
Select the "Dodge" tool and make the brush size around "50" and the "Range" to "highlights." Now use this tool around the edges and corners of your shape.
You spend more time fooling around with the tool than you spend getting work done.
It provides a powerful tool for standardizing around.
Text messaging is a popular activist tool because in most countries around the globe, people have access to it and know how to use it.
To work around this problem a number of static analysis tool developers are exploring using annotations to define these details.
To get around that problem, animators use a tool that measures just how much a character has been squashed to fit into the near and far boxes.
To get around that problem, animators use a tool that measures just how much a character has been squashed to fit into the near and far boxes.