Each white, milk or dark chocolate shell has a slot in the front for wafers, nougat, biscuit or caramel, and a depression in the top to hold nuts, fruit or liquid.
Beyond the 600-denier ballistic-polyester shell and foam-reinforced rails, air columns lining the top and bottom help disperse force on impact.
Below are five are five of my top GNOME Shell theme picks from those we've featured or been 'tipped' about recently.
Whereas Cantonese egg tarts (sweetened egg custard inside a flaky shell) are tasty enough, the Macanese version goes one step further with a c aramelized top, not unlike crème brûlée .
尽管粤式蛋挞(酥壳里含着甜蛋糊)已经足够美味,葡式蛋挞却在此基础上更加上一个焦糖的顶端,与crème brûlée没有两样。
Bring up top (just run top in a shell), then hit o (that's a capital o, as in "order by"), then hit q, then hit Return.
Moreover, underscoring the woman's apparent special status, her head was placed on top of one tortoise shell, and the other shells were arrayed above, below, and around her body.
At the top right is a list of all modules within this enterprise application; this list is empty because the enterprise application is still only an empty shell.
Shell has emerged as one of the top offenders despite promising to clean up its act five years ago after a large accident in which two oil workers died.
More likely, in his black heart, he simply regrets not having had the imagination and cojones to work those shell-game maneuvers back when he was on top.
很可能在黑暗的内心深处,他只是遗憾自己身处高位时没有机智和胆量多耍些骗人的把戏。 但他并没有丧失自己的才能。
Just before serving, spread filling into meringue shell. Top with strawberries. Drizzle with glaze.
I start by using an application called virsh (virtualization shell), which is built on top of libvirt.
On top of that is the shell SWF, which contains all of the constant site elements, such as navigation, footers, etc.
A shell is a top-level composite (frame or window) that may have no parent composite; instead, it has a Display as a parent, often set by default.
Our shell consists of 3 sections, an image at the top left (which is a normal CLabel).
A JFace window is not actually the GUI object for a top-level window (SWT already provides one, called a shell).
To serve, remove and discard the top shell of each mussel, pour 2 teaspoons of the sauce into each mussel and serve on the shell.
Using libvirt, it's also possible to use its shell (built on top of libvirt), called virsh.
使用libvirt还能使用它的shell(构建于 libvirt 之上),称为virsh。
Fresh air intake is through a NACA duct in the top of the fairing shell via a tube that is directed to my face.
Girl standing high rise of the "shell" top performers.
Translucent shell outside, the inside looks like "floating" in the air, as the energy center to convey energy to the surroundings through the CD pattern on the top.
Vacuum baking shell, fashionable novel and attractive. Cup top hidden type handle convenient and practical. Is home out right-hand man.
The system calls a WH_SHELL hook procedure when the shell application is about to be activated and when a top-level window is created or destroyed.
On the basis of analyzing stress shell, the mechanical essence that top coal performs a function of bedding is demonstrated.
In order to still his never ending hunger for utter destruction, this warmongering beast mounted a hell slinging catapult on top of his impenetrable shell.
The stele inside, with a coiling dragon on the top, is carried by a legendary animal with a dragonhead and tortoise body with scales and shell.
The pressurized vessel of a nuclear reactor consists of three parts: the top cap, the ribbed tube-plate and the shells (the external shell and the bottom shell).
The pressurized vessel of a nuclear reactor consists of three parts: the top cap, the ribbed tube-plate and the shells (the external shell and the bottom shell).