If you want to get back on top and cement the USA's position as being the top-dog, you wanted a little bit of a test.
Reynolds has never concealed his ambition to be the top dog.
The dog yelled on top of his voice.
It is not necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the pack by using extreme measure.
It is not necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the pack by using extreme measures.
A dog rescued off the Japanese coast floating on top of a house is on her way back to her owner Monday.
And while "the image of a happy dog hanging out of a car window is hard to top," says Gwendolyn Bounds at The Wall Street Journal, even that isn't safe.
Molly is top dog — and cat — when it comes to Britons' favourite name for their pet.
The runt of a litter of bulldogs, Tillman rose above his stature to take top dog by covering 100 meters in 19.678 seconds in a 2010 competition.
Labrador Retriever was named the top dog in the United States on Wednesday for the 19th consecutive year by the American Kennel Club.
My heart was pounding furiously as I felt the horrible weight of that dog on top of me before he raced away from the yard.
He quotes, admiringly, Bill Clinton, who once said that America should use its primacy "to create a world in which we will be comfortable living when we are no longer top dog on the global block."
Mr. Brown has been our top dog for 25 years, but he's retiring. 3 of our senior executives are fighting for his job and nobody knows who'll end up as the new top dog.
This phone was the top dog when it was released with a 550MHz TI OMAP chip. These days it's starting to feel a little sluggish.
Ethiopia, meanwhile, has emerged as the Horn's top dog.
The West's long run as top dog may be ending.
But they are not top dog here.
But this visionary investor recognized that Intuitive Surgical was both "top dog" and "first mover" in its industry and still had plenty of room to run...
Khanna says, however, that the top priority for every dog is their well-being.
Sophos senior security consultant Carole Theriault said that while the U.S. remains the top spam dog, there results show an urgent need for countries to join together and take global action.
On the rare occasion that you find a company that is both a top dog and a first mover, the chances are pretty good that you've found your next big winner...
WHEN it comes to e-commerce, America is still top dog, with some 170m punters scouring for bargains on the Internet.
So there we have it, eight good and sound reasons why Britain is and has always been top dog.
So the breeder gave him to Jeremy Dingle, who soon realised that he had a special pup, now a top dog in the dachshund-racing[1] world.
Needs to be "top dog" to feel safe.
Most puppies seem to be duking it out right now over who will be top dog.
But then no one ever said it was easy to be top dog.
Move over David Beckham and David Gandy, because the world of male modelling has a new top dog - quite literally in the form of pet pooch Bodhi.
Heading into last season, on paper, the Blazers struck me as the team posing the biggest threat to the Lakers' top dog status.
Heading into last season, on paper, the Blazers struck me as the team posing the biggest threat to the Lakers' top dog status.