Among the commission's 51 members are top-tier-university presidents, scholars, lawyers, judges, and business executives, as well as prominent figures from diplomacy, filmmaking, music and journalism.
Several top-tier funds of funds say they have seen interest from CIC.
They added more top-tier leather, more crocodile hides, more use of imported machinery.
And the partnerships between top-tier BPM vendors and rule vendors are not integrated deeply enough.
The U.S. has three to four top-tier WTO law firms and about a dozen other law firms that have WTO practices.
San Antonio has plenty of decent role players, but the top-tier talent the Spurs possess isn't what it used to be.
The biggest leap will be in Japan, the world’s second-largest life market, in which Alico is a top-tier competitor.
"We've been able to penetrate some of the top-tier schools that we haven't been able to recruit from before," says Ms Wisheart.
Like everyone else with software to sell, top-tier game developers are flocking to the iPhone, and gamers are reaping big rewards.
2tor aims to provide universities with tools, recruiting and resources to offer quality online education to top-tier universities.
It's no secret me, Chris and LeBron are good friends, "Wade said Wednesday of possibly adding a second top-tier free agent along with Bosh."
I wanted to gauge your interest in authoring an op-ed this week for a top-tier media outlet on an important issue that I know you're following closely.
A top-tier university is not only significant as a research center, but as a networking hub, cultural behemoth, and, if you're lucky, a wheeler-dealer landlord.
As one of the top-tier Asian events, the China Open will host numerous top-ranked players including Rafael Nadal, Andy Roddick, Maria Sharapova and Serena Williams.
That means that lighthearted conversation is paramount -- not a super creative plan that involves multiple stops, top-tier restaurants and hipster underground bars.
The University of California hopes to become the country's first top-tier research institution to offer a bachelor's degree over the Internet that is comparable in quality to its campus program.
It is now widely used at most top-tier events - including the upcoming TEB BNP Paribas WTA Championships in Istanbul - and some lower-level tournaments, as well on the Challenger and ITF circuits.
Although there were six classes in Rome during Tullius' time, it is the top tier that gets paid the most attention and so class became associated with being first.
Since this is an enthusiast site, one must assume that Novell and Red hat are way unrepresented, so one should add those guys into the top tier.
Self doubt has been something I've struggled with all my life, from debating whether I could get into a top tier university to believing I could succeed as a writer.
Anyone with the resources could simply start their own team and play their way up into the top tier.
Their ascent to the top tier of New York fashion represents an important demographic shift on Seventh Avenue.
Their ascent to the top tier of New York fashion represents an important demographic shift on Seventh Avenue.