This means that if France were to lose its top credit rating-the latest fear in the markets-the EFSF would lose a big chunk of its lending capacity (or its AAA rating).
It's a notable move amid falling travel demand and a tight lending environment — on top of UAL's recent heavy losses and poor credit rating.
In 1995, it endured a financial crisis, losing its top-notch credit rating (since restored).
But perhaps the bigger question is whether the country's credit rating will remain where it has always been - at the very top.
Firstly, your Credit Rating must be class a, and your Debt to Asset Ratio must be top notch, for the industry you are involved in.
Even mighty GE, which still boasted a top-notch credit rating at the time, resorted to extreme measures.
Six months before a tight presidential election, Mr Sarkozy seems to be driven by one overriding objective: to preserve France's top-tier credit rating.
Six months before a tight presidential election, Mr Sarkozy seems to be driven by one overriding objective: to preserve France's top-tier credit rating.