"Lips" incorporates music from top artists and, as with other videogame makers, is built to be expanded with songs bought as online downloads.
The music downloading app "Tunee" (one of many such apps) is one of the Top Free apps in the Multimedia category with more than 250k downloads.
While downloads of the top apps for the Mac store are just a fraction of downloads of downloads on the the other platform, sales are already half what you see on the iPad.
Breaking the top 100: Developers are clear in saying that the number of downloads they garner increase if they make the top 100 for a particular category.
进入一百强 :开发者们清楚地表示,如果他们的软件在某一分类中挤入一百强,那么下载量就会激增。
The first implementation of the cash register accounting system is on top of the previously mentioned from-scratch SELinux system (available in Downloads).
收银机结算系统的第一个实现是在前面介绍的从头创建的SELinux 系统之上实现的(可以在下载 中获得)。
That means that more often than not, your downloads will be pushed straight to the top of the upload queue.
You clicked on the warning at the top and said allow downloads, but as the OS I will do nothing at this point.
Lei's online gaming company Netease saw its profits rise 40% in the second quarter and his flagship game 'Fantasy Westward Journey' is one of China's top 10 downloads.
Lei's online gaming company Netease saw its profits rise 40% in the second quarter and his flagship game 'Fantasy Westward Journey' is one of China's top 10 downloads.