Based on the study above, a set of underwater topographic survey software was developed.
Finally, the system applies in topographic survey of steady flow single pile scouring experiment.
The software proves to be effective in practice, and will serve to the real underwater topographic survey work.
With the appearance of new technology GPS, the coordinate of different levels controlling points may be surveyed in high precision and it has been applied widely in topographic survey.
So, a topographic map, this one from the US geological survey shows you, basically, all the level curves of an altitude function on a piece of land.
Thus, it has a unique advantage in the field of disaster monitoring, environmental monitoring, resource exploration, forest survey, topographic mapping and so on.
The method includes various information such as survey line, control-point, topographic drawing and satellite photo etc and is gained broad application in petroleum exploration of Junggar basin.
So far as 3D gravity and magnetic survey is concerned, the data acquisition, topographic correction and 3D forward and inversion methods are gradually practical;
So far as 3D gravity and magnetic survey is concerned, the data acquisition, topographic correction and 3D forward and inversion methods are gradually practical;