Moreover from leaf you can get any of those forms, even 2 leaf shapes growing off one leaf, and at any time they can turn into 'Topsy Turvy'.
In the bathroom, the sink, toilet and bath are all topsy turvy, prompting numerous photo opportunities where visitors pose with their heads in the loo.
Many gardeners reported that the thinner, breathable plastic Topsy Turvy planters ($9.99) dried out so quickly that watering even once a day was not enough to prevent desiccated plants.
许多种植者说Topsy Turvy的塑料花盆($9.99)较细而且透气,一天浇一次水都不足以预防干燥。
The world has turned topsy-turvy in my lifetime.
Topsy-turvy things happen when Mercury is retrograde.
Usually, galaxies this topsy-turvy result from a recent collision with a neighboring galaxy.
This big-bang finish — which includes a topsy-turvy image that poignantly suggests the world has been turned on its axis for good — is sloppy, at times visually incoherent, yet touching.
The actions of the legs, torso, and neck are essentially the same in both poses, although these actions feel different when you turn topsy-turvy and reverse your body's relationship to gravity.
In order to fully reflect the yearning and wishes, some people simply will "fu" character topsy-turvy stick, said "happiness has to" "blessing has to".
Everything's topsy-turvy in my life at the moment.
Don't turn the box topsy-turvy, the dish might fall out.
It was a topsy-turvy season to watch; has it felt the same way from a playing point of view?
London has far less to prove than Beijing. It may have plenty of troubles: a congested city center, topsy-turvy real-estate prices.
The children turned the whole house topsy-turvy when their mother went out.
And pray, what is man, but a topsy-turvy creature, his animal faculties perpetually mounted on his rational, his head where his heels should be, groveling on the earth?
但是凝思一想,便觉人类不就是一群颓废不堪的生物吗?动物的机能永久 统立于理性之上,脑袋偏偏贴在地面上,匍匐前行。
Lastly, there are idols that have come into men's minds from various philosophical dogmas and from topsy-turvy laws of demonstration.
Here, a chaos of carts, overthrown and jumbled together, lay topsy-turvy at the bottom of a steep unnatural hill;
Created by car artist Tom Kennedy, the Topsy-Turvy Bus (Topsy) is a bus made of two school buses welded together, one upside down on top of the other.
Created by car artist Tom Kennedy, the Topsy-Turvy Bus (Topsy) is a bus made of two school buses welded together, one upside down on top of the other.