They might come into the kitchen only to find tortilla chips all over the counters and cheese on the floor — sloppy preparation seems to be a hallmark of sleep-eating.
In one Tostitos spot, a young woman at the grocery store reads the ingredients on the back of a bag of another brand of tortilla chips.
We've all been there. When you're consumed by a burning desire for chocolate, spicy tortilla chips or a humble bacon sarnie, no other snack will do - and you need it fast.
This is also a combination that can be as unique as it's maker - as long as your salsa contains tomatoes, you can add virtually anything else and it will still taste great with tortilla chips.
"Chips and dip" is a plate with a lot of potato chips or perhaps tortilla chips that are Fried in oil and salted.
"Chips and dip" is a plate with a lot of potato chips or perhaps tortilla chips that are Fried in oil and salted.