The tortilla chips were right out of the oven.
"Chips and dip" is a plate with a lot of potato chips or perhaps tortilla chips that are Fried in oil and salted.
In one Tostitos spot, a young woman at the grocery store reads the ingredients on the back of a bag of another brand of tortilla chips.
Eat them at snack time instead of potato chips or tortilla chips. Choose low-fat ranch, dill or French onion dip or make your own low fat spinach dip.
刚切的蔬菜是十分美味的.在你平时吃小吃的时候吃不要吃薯片或饼芯片 而是吃水果与蔬菜.选择低脂肪的莳萝或法式洋葱或使自己吃低脂肪菠菜.
They might come into the kitchen only to find tortilla chips all over the counters and cheese on the floor — sloppy preparation seems to be a hallmark of sleep-eating.
We've all been there. When you're consumed by a burning desire for chocolate, spicy tortilla chips or a humble bacon sarnie, no other snack will do - and you need it fast.
Better, he argues, to try to control the message by speaking deliberately to anyone who isout there than let them to form their own conclusions from ads for tortilla chips.
This is also a combination that can be as unique as it's maker - as long as your salsa contains tomatoes, you can add virtually anything else and it will still taste great with tortilla chips.
This is also a combination that can be as unique as it's maker - as long as your salsa contains tomatoes, you can add virtually anything else and it will still taste great with tortilla chips.