As to the ordinary brand, it is tortious only when it is registered malevolently.
Article 65 also clarifies that environmental tortious liability is subject to strict liability.
Seting up accelerated judgement for invalidation procedure involved tortious lawsuit of Utility Model patent right.
Highway enterprises should bear the environmental tortious liability resulting from damages of traffic noise pollution.
Abstract: Right, as the protected object of fault tortious liability, can't be taken as the foundation of this liability.
Article 17 Where a single tortious act causes more than one death, the amount of the damages for the deaths may be equal.
Being in an affiliating status, tortious liability of liquidation obligor can serve a function to realize specific judicial policy.
The coincidence of contractual and tortious liabilities is a common phenomenon in judicial practice, and it attracts differed theories.
It is reasonable to make the product spokespersons responsible for their tortious action for that they seek profits by making use of public's trust.
One day, wearing KNIE baboosh that is suppose to be tortious, riding a bicycle that is full of rust, I floundered along the ZHONGHUANGXI road with elegance.
There is no restriction on the range of interests that protected by tort law in the France Civil Code, which is known as an unrestricted tortious composing.
Article 89 Where any damage is caused by obstacles piled, dumped or scattered on a public road, the relevant unit or individual shall bear tortious liability.
What should be clearly defined is the confirmation and responsibility of tortious liability concerning sunshine interests violation on the basis of re-examination.
And security obligations outlined the principles of accountability, and finally from the contractual and tortious defines both the nature of safeguards obligations.
But in modern society, tortious liability of omission have been accepted universally in order to coordinate the relationship between the freedom to act and the rights for protection.
The infringement upon credit often costs indirect losses of the victims and the tortious person should make due compensations so as to protect the interest of the principal of credit.
According to lawyer law and the basic principle of civil law and commercial law, paying compensation for lawyer practice is in line with the legal features of tortious liability, so it is...
For the particular protection for the well-known brand, it is tortious if the domain name or its main part are copied, imitated, translated or transliterated from other well-known brand name.
But there exist certain shortcomings in these theories and practices. So they can't settle the question of the coincidence of the liability for breach of contracts and the tortious liability thorough.
But there exist certain shortcomings in these theories and practices. So they can't settle the question of the coincidence of the liability for breach of contracts and the tortious liability thorough.