Visitors from the mainland accounted for one-third of the total.
Before the crisis hit, temporary jobs accounted for more than a third of Spain's total, the largest share in the EU.
If exporters' capital spending is included, net exports accounted for almost half of Japan's total GDP growth in the five years to 2007.
According to statistics, the foreign language books China translated and published last year accounted for 20% of the total, and sales accounted for 30% of the total sales volume.
LAST year the combined output of emerging economies reached an important milestone: it accounted for more than half of total world GDP (measured at purchasing-power parity).
In the mid-19th century, the rural labor force to the total U.S. labor force accounted for 63%, to the late 19th century, the United States has achieved industrialization.
Asia may be driving the growth in global oil demand, but it still only accounted for 20 percent of total world consumption last year, he said.
In addition to the total number of farms accounted for 16% of large farms in agriculture-based income, the remaining 84% of small farm income sources are non-agricultural income-based.
Sales outside Europe accounted for 36% of the consolidated first-half total, compared with 34% in 2009.
The five leading Western powers - the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Canada - accounted for 44 percent of total global manufacturing between them.
At IBM, in 1993 cash accounted for as much as 95% of total philanthropic giving; now it makes up only about 35%.
Last year the US was still easily in the top slot and accounted for a fifth of the total.
In 2007, construction accounted for 13 percent of total employment in both Spain and Ireland, more than twice as much as in the United States.
In the last five years, US export to China has increased by 20 per cent. Last year China's imports of soybeans and cotton respectively accounted for 49 and 34 per cent of the US total export.
The amount of goods Chinese bought last year accounted for 18% of the total, and nearly 80m euros was spent in total, only second to Japan.
The global downturn has helped to reduce global imbalances; the leading three exporters accounted for 26.7% of total world exports in 2009 down from a third of the total in 2008.
世界经济衰退促进了全球经济的平衡。 2008年,世界前三大出口国占了全球出口总量的1/3,而2009年跌至26.7%。
Solid dividend yields. Dividends have accounted for 42% of the total return of the market since 1926.
For the first time this year, desktop sales did not make up the majority of total revenue — they only accounted for 40% of the pie.
Although Mexico still accounted for almost half its total sales of $8.6 billion last year, 43% came from the United States and 12% from the rest of Latin America.
In 2009, China accounted for 6% of our revenue. Our aim is to increase our sales to China by 50% to one-third of total sales in the long term.
But analysts at Barclays Capital note that swap dealers still accounted for just 6.4% of total options and futures contracts, not enough to drive prices up on their own.
An increase in net exports has accounted for no less than two-thirds of Germany's total GDP growth over the past decade, far more than any other big economy.
The latest data have not been made public, but at the end of 2007 local assets accounted for just over half of the Banks' total.
Unsurprisingly, overseas sales accounted for 87.5% of the total products moved.
The actual investment made by the said ten countries and regions accounted for 91.3% of the country's total.
The actual investment made by the said ten countries and regions accounted for 91.3% of the country's total.