More debt in their total amount of money can be paid.
Money supply: The total amount of money in an economy.
Result: The total amount of money showed a gradual increasing trend within 3 years;
Revenue is the total amount of money you've earned coming into your business over a set period of time.
Total revenue is the total amount of money brought in by the crop, without factoring in the farmers' expenses.
But the shareholders' money is only a small part of the total amount of money which the clearing Banks have at their command.
There is no limit on the total amount of money or monetary instruments that may be brought into or taken out of the United States.
Chinese savings rates are so high that rises in reserve levels still allow the total amount of money available for lending to grow.
Open market operation ofthe central bank can produce a series of macro economy effects: having better control to the total amount of money supply;
The total amount of credit committed to a borrower or a country, namely the total amount of money that a bank may lose in case the borrower breaches the agreement.
Transaction value of export goods refers to the total amount of money charged by the seller to the buyer directly or indirectly for the exportation of the goods at the time of exportation.
I purchased the following products from you on ebay, please tell me the total amount of money. Click on the "send bill" button below and you will send the calculated total amount of money to me.
The total supply of money and credit will be increased by an appropriate amount.
Companies take pride in the amount of money they give to charity, in many cases aiming to give 1% of total revenue.
Neither the total amount of capital borrowed nor that lent may exceed 50% of the foreign exchange capital money of a company.
The money is not lost, because it will be calculated, means deducted, from the total amount of fee for the project in phase 1.
ICI was looking for diversification and ploughed a substantial amount of money into the work at CCL, representing nearly one quarter of its total work at its peak.
ICI was looking for diversification and ploughed a substantial amount of money into the work at CCL, representing nearly one quarter of its total work at its peak.