The main reason causing the decrease of evaporation from Erhai Lake is the increase of total cloud cover.
The ground effective radiations are calculated based on the ground temperature. air temperature. water vapour pressure and total cloud cover.
Comparing the distribution of total cloud cover from ISCCP with that observed from surface stations, the rationality of ISCCP-D2 data is validated.
将ISCCP总云量与地面观测总云量分布形势作了比较,证明了ISCCP -D2资料的合理性。
Evaporation from Erhai Lake decreases with the increase of total cloud cover and relative humidity, and it increases with the increase of mean wind speed and sunshine duration.
Thick cloud cover over India obscured the sun when the eclipse began but the clouds parted in several cities, minutes before the total eclipse took place at 6.24am.
Thick cloud cover over India obscured the sun when the eclipse began but the clouds parted in several cities, minutes before the total eclipse took place at 6.24am.